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GAZA, Apr 22: The death toll from the Israeli warplanes and artillery targeting of two Palestinian civilian homes in the city of Rafah, south of...
MADRID, Apr 22 - Thousands of people took to the streets in over 100 cities and towns across Spain over the weekend to demonstrate their...

NEW YORK, April 19: The United States on Thursday spoiled a long-shot Palestinian bid for full United Nations membership, vetoing a Security Council measure despite growing international distress over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

KUCHING, 9 April: Tiada kegembiraan ketika berbuka puasa yang dirasai oleh rakyat Palestin di Gaza.

WASHINGTON D.C., Apr 4: The United States, Israel’s key ally, opposes Palestine’s application to be recognized as a full member state on the United Nations, phrasing that it is not the route that Palestinian should embark.

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