砂718确诊2病逝 爆5感染群

砂拉越今天新增718宗确诊病例,当中古晋的疫情还是最严重,占了157宗,接着是诗巫80宗、斯里阿曼76宗 、达岛57宗、如楼56宗。

Opportunities Aplenty in Agriculture For Youngsters

In its bid to offer a platform for the public, especially young talents  to showcase their creative works, TVS features another article by Taylor’s University’s Raja Balqis Batrisyia Raja Dato Sri Sulaiman from the School of Media and Communication

Lebih 700 Terima Vaksin Di Dua PPV Di Batang Sadong

KUCHING: Lebih 500 penduduk di Parlimen Batang Sadong, kira-kira 62 kilometer dari sini mendapat suntikan dos pertama vaksin COVID-19 pada hari pertama pengoperasian pusat pemberian vaksin (PPV) di Dewan Mesra Simunjan dalam kawasan Parlimen itu hari ini.